The Saddle Club Cast: A Look Into The Beloved Series 20 Years Later
The Saddle Club was a beloved children’s series that aired from 1998 to 2004. The show was based on the book series of the same name by author Bonnie Bryant. It follows the adventures of three teenage girls, Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson, and Lisa Atwood, who form a club that focuses on horseback riding. The show was a huge success, with numerous Emmy Award nominations, and even spawned a feature-length film. The cast of The Saddle Club has gone on to do many amazing things in the years since the show ended, and in this article, we will take a look at where the cast is today, 20 years after the show originally aired.
The Cast of The Saddle Club
The Saddle Club was led by the three primary characters, Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson, and Lisa Atwood. Actress Kia Luby played Stevie, the daredevil and leader of the group. She was known for her enthusiasm and determination. Alison Gordon played Carole Hanson, the level-headed, kind, and reliable one. She was the most experienced rider of the group. Lastly, Sophie Bennett played Lisa Atwood, the new girl in town. She is the most intelligent of the group and was the one who came up with the idea of forming The Saddle Club.
The three were joined by a variety of other characters throughout the show’s four seasons. The most prominent of these was Max, played by Joelene Crnogorac. Max was the owner of the Pine Hollow Stables and acted as a mentor to the girls. He was a former Olympian and was always looking out for the girls. Other characters included Red O’Malley, the stablehand, Dr. David Hanson, Carole’s father, and Judy Barker, the stable’s riding instructor.
Where Are They Now?
Kia Luby, who played Stevie Lake, is now a successful actress, having appeared in a variety of television shows and movies since The Saddle Club ended. She is best known for her roles in the popular series Reign and the movie Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over. Alison Gordon, who played Carole Hanson, has also gone on to have a successful career, appearing in shows such as Smallville and The West Wing. She currently stars in the Netflix series Outer Banks.
Sophie Bennett, who played Lisa Atwood, is now a successful singer and songwriter. She has released five albums and has toured worldwide. She also works as a voice actress, having lent her voice to a variety of animated series. Joelene Crnogorac, who played Max, is now a successful television and film actor. He has appeared in shows such as The Flash and Supernatural, and has had roles in several feature films.
The Future of The Saddle Club Cast
The cast of The Saddle Club is still going strong 20 years after the show ended. Each of the members has gone on to have successful careers in their respective fields. They have come together on several occasions to reminisce about their time on the show, including a reunion in 2018, which was organized by Kia Luby. The cast is also active on social media, keeping fans updated on their current projects. With the show still being fondly remembered by fans, there is no doubt that the cast of The Saddle Club will remain in the hearts of viewers for many years to come.
The Saddle Club was a beloved children’s show that aired from 1998 to 2004. The show follows the adventures of three teenage girls, Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson, and Lisa Atwood, who form a club that focuses on horseback riding. The cast of The Saddle Club has gone on to do many amazing things in the years since the show ended, and in this article, we took a look at where the cast is today, 20 years after the show originally aired. Each of the members has gone on to have successful careers in their respective fields, and they have come together on several occasions to reminisce about their time on the show. The cast is still fondly remembered by fans, and with the show still being remembered, there is no doubt that the cast of The Saddle Club will remain in the hearts of viewers for many years to come.
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